
Feature Request - Enable Complex Purchase to be set to Stock First instead of being locked into Invoice First

started a topic about 2 years ago

Please Enable Complex Purchase to be set to Stock First instead of being locked into Invoice First (basically use the same setup as simple Purchases).

Cartons don't automatically disassemble the way they do with the simple purchases  until the entire invoice process is completed. This means we receive stock hours or sometimes a day or two (with weekends) before it available for customers to buy In Dear / Shopify. 

This is such as serious issue for us we have had to stop using advanced POs and are looking at switching inventory systems if it cant be fixed/ changed.

6 people like this idea
  • This has been a shortcoming of DEAR for some time and has impacted pretty much any business using Additional Units of Measure in combination with Advanced Purchase Orders.

    When an Advanced Purchase Order has stock received against it, any auto-disassembly of product is prevented from occurring until a Supplier Invoice is provided against the I&R stage. Which is unrealistic when there could be multiple Receipt lines against an Invoice that has not been provided.

    This leaves any Auto-Disassembly and Additional Units of Measure products stuck in their wrong format. Which requires a manual disassembly to take place (Something the system still allows despite it not performing one automatically) or worse, wait until the accounts team has processed the associated invoice.

    Compare this to a Simple Purchase where the Auto-Disassembly and Additional Units of Measure products can be received and processed without any reliance on the completion of their associated Invoice stage.

    This breaks the established logic throughout the system where inventory movements are not held back by financial movements and any resulting financial movement will perpetually update the affected products via journaling.

  • Our business absolutely needs advanced purchases to be set up as stock first. Cartons not automatically disassembling as they do with a simple purchase is causing great issues for our business and we need this fixed.

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