
Advanced Sale - Comments Mismatch

started a topic over 2 years ago

We supply corporate uniforms and In our sales orders we use the "comments" field to identify (name of person) who a uniform has been ordered for. We might be invoicing company ABC Ltd., and the same sales order may include the same item repeated multiple times; for example if we are supplying item 001 (Blue Cardigan), we might have a sales order with:

001 Blue Cardigan Sabrina 5 pcs,
001 Blue Cardigan Jill 3 pcs.
001 Blue Cardigan Kelly 2 pcs.

If we assume we only have 5 pcs to fulfil from current inventory, we would probbaly supply some for each employee, and a partial fulfilment (5 pcs) might look like this:

001 Blue Cardigan Sabrina 2 pcs,
001 Blue Cardigan Jill 2 pcs.
001 Blue Cardigan Kelly 1 pcs.

We would expect that when we go to create a new invoice (to invoice remaining), we would see the balances left to fulfil, in this case:

001 Blue Cardigan Sabrina 3 pcs,
001 Blue Cardigan Jill 1 pcs.
001 Blue Cardigan Kelly 1 pcs.

But what DEAR actaully does is that it just merges the remaining quantity, and seems to just use the first available field. So in this case, we would actually see as pending to invoice:

001 Blue Cardigan Sabrina 5 pcs,

We have been told that this is the way the comments work, and the only way to identify what is pending to fulfil is to manually compare the sales order to the fulfilment / invoice. Obviously makes no sense, esepecially since a number of orders may have more than 100 rows of data. 

Comments should really linked to the specific row that they are added on, and should not be merged. This is a very important feature in our industry. Our clients would not want individual orders per employee, as this creates a lot of unnecessary admin, and at athe same time, we are being forced to duplicate the work from DEAR in excel, to be able to track the quantities pending to fulfil.

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