
Can the sorting of pick list be selected or set up default independently to the other templates and sales orders in Dear?

started a topic almost 4 years ago

Warehouse pick requirements are independent of other functions within Dear (sales orders, invoices, credits etc) I'm surprised that there isn't the ability to default sort a pick list (any pick list) by sku or bin location.

It's understandable that the sales team want to be able to cross check sales orders entered as per customer order, not as per bin location. 

Can the sorting of pick list be selected or set up default independently to the other templates and sales orders in Dear?

4 people like this idea
  • refer Ticket :#159504

    1 person likes this
  • This would be extremely helpful.

    1 person likes this
  • Check these settings in screenshot below

    With this setting on, I think by default:

    - SO will remain in 'screen order' (the order it was entered in)

    - When printing the Pick list document it will be ordered by Bin location.

    I think that's been our experience anyway


  • Thanks Daniel, I specifically asked for this from Dear and was told it doesn't work that way? if we change to sort the pick list, it will also change to sort the sales order?

  • Hey Felicity, I've just opened an SO and done some quick testing.
    I think the above setting relates specifically to the order of the products in the document when it is printed/emailed.. and yes it does appear to apply to all steps in the SO. 

    The screen order in on the SO in Dear can be sorted by clicking the column headers (although no option to Brand or Category columns which I can imagine would be valuable to most), however if none of these headers are clicked, the SO should remain in the same order it was entered.

    I'm not sure of your internal processes, but in what you mentioned "sales team want to be able to cross check sales orders entered as per customer order", if this is done by looking at the SO in Dear (not the printed/emailed SO) it should remain in the order it was entered.

    Sorry not sure if that helps you much though!

  • Thanks Daniel, I'll get Dear to test and check this for me! That would solve my concern I think!

  • Hello, I would like there to be a solution to this, we need the order to vary by each step in the Sales Order - picking by bin location and invoice by how inputted onto the system. Is there a solutin to this? 

  • Is there any update on this? We need to have Sales Order documents in the original order the customer placed them but for picking we need SKU order to optimise our picking. Even if there was a way to change the SKU order manually that would be helpful, but if you change the sorting in the pick table by clicking on the SKU header it only works temporarily.

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