
Product Specification Template

started a topic over 3 years ago

We build the specification of our products using the standard parent product record card which has child cards under it such as BOM's, etc

It would be great if there was an option to print a product card, which would essentially be the product specification. If there was a customisable template you could use to do this that you could add in fields such as BOMs and additional attributes, etc that would be fantastic.

We could essentially then conceptualise a new product, create it in Dear and then print the product card (or product specification) and send to the customer to sign off on it. Then the spec is already in Dear and ready to start raising production orders.

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  • It would be very helpful if the Product Specification document exported with the Product SKU as a suffix. For example "Product Specification_SK-0000481.pdf"

    It would also add a lot of value to include a QR code to the suppliers URL for the product. At a minimum including the supplier SKu in the Supplier section would help.

    We'd also like to request that price tiers with $0 value are excluded. It does not help to have the majority of a page populated with 10 product tier prices if we only use one or two tiers. 

    Please also include description in addition to Internal Notes. 

  • Hello Josh and Kimberlie,

    The product specification template can be customized to a certain extent. Please send in a ticket to so that we can forward your request to the template assistance team.

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