
Zapier Integration

started a topic over 8 years ago

I hear you are planning an integration with Zapier (as detailed on a suggestion on DEAR's old support site).

Can you please confirm if this is indeed the case?

Also, can you please provide an approximate delivery date for this integration?


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  • Zapier is a service that integrates several apps together. 

    For the longest time, myself and several people have been asking about integrations with software we all use. Our business has a dire need for dropbox or spreadsheet integration- either google sheets or microsoft Excel, right now is a very tedious and time consuming task for our business worklflow/process. I do not work for zapier, however, this is the only service i've found that could fix or integrations issues with dear after months of research without costing our business thousands of dollars in development cost or considering an ERP solution to fix the limitations. What small business can afford an ERP these days? and half of us on this forum can't afford developers. 

    As of yesterday, dear support, said there is no timeline or information given on a zapier integration.

    integration with Zapier should aid several of us whom have been waiting too long for our requested integrations. 

    Zapier integrations includes:




    google sheets

    microsoft excel




    zoho crm




    More people should vote on this!

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  • Edmund - maybe change the title of your post to:  Zapier Integration to connect to salesforce, dropbox, google sheets, zoho crm

    maybe we get more votes! 

    4 people like this
  • Agree really need this integration, one of the reasons I selected this system was due to the plan to integrate via Zapier to Insightly CRM. Now I am left wondering if this will ever happen...

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  • Hi everyone!

    Meanwhile you can deploy this Zapier app for DEAR as a private app on your own for free:

    What I released publicly doesn't cover much of the DEAR Api, but enough to get started with some interesting flows:

    With it, you can

    - Get a list of the sales, get the last sale

    - Get resource templates

    - Search for a Sale

    - Generate a PDF given a template and a resource.

    Overall you can then do flows like this:

    When there is a new Sale on DEAR, write a message on Slack with the details of the sale, then send an email with the invoice for this sale as an attachment PDF.

    I can provide extra installation instructions if someone is interested.

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  • Any news on this?

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  • +10 for Zapier, DEAR is the central hub for our multi site ecommerce & b2b sales and it does this all very well. Being able to update a CRM with the full picture automatically would be so valuable for our us. 

    We are trying to tie our data together, sales + livechat + sales leads + customer emails. (2way sync)

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  • Anyone wanting this integration and needing a workaround should look at how the paperwork Dear generates can be used for automation. I've put dozens of hours into this over the last little while so hopefully can help provide everyone with some time-saving advice.

    Following example is (the short version of) how I generate a new Capsule opportunity based on a Dear quote (principle works for pretty much any Dear paperwork into any Capsule opportunity/contact/org) - the real magic is performed by Zapier Email Parser:

    - Use a document manager (like Hazel) to take file from downloads folder into Google drive

    - Use Automator+AppleScript to copy PDF text on to clipboard and paste into new email pre-addressed to Zapier Email Parser mailbox, then send

    - Email Parser can then scan emailed text for keywords/other info that you have specified as tags when first setting up the account

    - Then just create a Zap that links the Parser output to Capsule fields and you're good!


    - Having all the info you need printed on the Dear paperwork is key (get to know your merge tags and how they can provide the info you need for other systems). This can be visible as per the normal version of the paperwork, or if it would mess with design, you can hide it by using white text on white background and setting font size to 1 - you'll convert to plain text before emailing so this won't matter to Email Parser

    - To link back to Dear page - the end of the URL of the Dear page is actually a unique identifier (code) that you can use in Capsule to with the Link type of Custom Field - e.g. pre-populate with everything up to Sale# and then paste the code in, e.g.: becomes: 

    (pre-populated info in field)

    (merged data) 257344e0-2849-4c63-a238-ac24fbf767b0

    Happy to explain further if helpful, I've glossed over some bits that were actually kinda difficult!

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  • The vote is in.

    Bring on Zapier.

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  • Hello,

    I would love this to be done. I want to be able to turn a lead into a customer in my CRM (I can do this in my CRM - PipeDrive) then via Zapier- add them as a customer in Dear Systems.

    I can do it from my CRM to Xero - but a Xero Contact will not sync with Dear systems unless and invoice is attached to the contact.

    Please can you look at it.

    Best regards Glenn

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  • Status changed to: Planned


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  • If a quote is authorized, create this as a deal in Pipedrive (could this deal then be updated to closed if quote converts to invoice?)

    Both will be able to be achieved if no features are removed from current beta. 

    If an invoice is authorized, add this as a note in Pipedrive with order details

    Achievable if no features are removed from current beta.

    If a customer is added to DEAR, add this person as a contact in Mailchimp

    Achievable if no features are removed from current beta.

    If an invoice is authorised, create/update Mailchimp that this person has purchased and is now a customer (we currently have a disconnect between our shopify customers and dear directly entered customers which makes segmented mail campaigns to the full db hard)

    Achievable if MailChimp has applicable zap actions available and no features are removed from current beta in DEAR.

    Pass the DEAR "customer url" through to application of choice

    I am unaware exactly what you are referring to as the "Customer URL"? Are you talking about the integration with a payment gateway that allows the customer to pay an invoice and being able to provide that URL? 

    Pass the DEAR "invoice/quote/sales order url" through to application of choice

    There would have to be a trigger as in something related to the sale being authorized or something happening to pass this along but this should be something achievable regardless if the beta changes or not. 

    Pass authorized invoices through to google spreadsheet, google spreadsheet passes invoice total through to IFTTT, IFTTT triggers a light sequence Nanoleaf light panels. Small orders under $300 = Green, Medium orders up to $600 = Orange and orders over $600 create a fiery red eruption of colours. ;) - i have set this one  I already direct from Xero > Zapier but DEAR would be good too as it would work realtime on invoice approval rather than sync. Not overly productive but a bit of fun.  

    Fun or not this is the little things that keep employees motivated! I love the idea and yes, you will be able to achieve this if the current beta does not lose any features!

    I would love to hear how others are planning to use this as well. It will really help improve the beta version before the release. 

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  • Cheryl, 

    Damian is on the money with his workaround above. Take a look at the email parser from Zapier. It's not quite as slick as having a direct zapier integration with DEAR but we are BCC'ing all emails to our email address and then pulling out the useful stuff and pushing that via Zapier to our CRM (we use Pipedrive but should also work for Insightly) 

    You can set up a bunch of rules that only run if certain conditions are met. 

    E.g we have a rule running if Quote is in the email title, for us this creates a customer, deal and activity to follow up in 5 days (and we assign this to our main sales guy) 

    We also have a rule for invoices that just creates/updates the customer and includes key order info. 

    If your email template doesn't have the info you need to reference you can place it at the bottom of the email template in white text so customer doesn't see it. 

    We want our customer records in our CRM to reference the sales source so we have our Shopify doing similar things. We also feed all our DEAR customers into our Mailchimp so that we can filter out people that have purchased offline. We want to segregate new, potential, existing customers so we can tailor or email marketing and this allows us to connect the data sources. 

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  • @David Roberts

    As long as the full beta version turns into the official release, you will be able to capture authorized quotes and push them over to your CRM. 

    We should see this released towards the end of the month. 

    I personally cannot wait until this is released as it will save my business a lot of time. 

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  • Hey David,

    That work around seems like a great bandage, but DEAR does not even support automated emails, so there is still a too much manual effort involved with making Zapier work through email parser.

    I do know that DEAR will be updating their API to include webhooks at the end of 2017. This means that an integration with Zapier would be much easier for the DEAR developers to build.

    If anyone would like to see Zapier integrate with DEAR, please COMMENT on this thread, LIKE posts on this thread, and FOLLOW this thread. I think the DEAR Team will come around on this.

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  • Hey Philip, 

    Totally agree, the webhooks update sounds good so hoping a Zapier integration isn't far off. 

    Would open DEAR up to so many great integration at a one time development cost. 

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