
Have an "Items on Backorder" section on the Invoice

started a topic over 9 years ago

Rather than stating what items are backordered on a separate document that also needs to be emailed to the client 
Having a table on the Invoice stating what items have been placed on backorder would eliminate an extra step in the process

37 people like this idea
  • HI All,

    Thank you for your suggestions here and once again thank you for your patience. We will begin work on this feature as part of our multi stage fulfillment per invoice enhancement. I will update this thread once development time frames are in place.

    Thank you

    DEAR Support 

    1 person likes this
  • We've found that you can either split into 2 sales BO and Inv... 


     have them both mixed into the one sale.....very confusing.

    What we'd like to see is the backordered items on the same sale as the invoiced items, but at the bottom of the invoice in a separate section.... 


    When stock items are held for a customer until back ordered items come in we'd like to be able to link the original invoiced items and back ordered items up together again in the same transaction once once the back order is filled......not have 2 seperate invoices for what was originally one sale.

    Dear..... is this currently possible?

    Are you working on it?

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  • That said, we'd love this to go further and be included on the original invoice even if the order is split. This doesn't currently happen.

    i.e. customer orders 2 x nuts and 3 x bolts. 2 x nuts are shipped and 3x bolts put on a split order.

    Invoice should show the 2x nuts and then in another section, backordered 3x bolts

    4 people like this
  • This is already function I'm fairly sure. See attached example invoice. Happy to chat if you want more examples (we are a DEAR setup partner) -

  • I really need this and am going to leave Unleashed in search for this feature. Does anyone know if this is yet able to be done in DEAR?

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