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SKU updates to Shopify

started a topic over 2 years ago

The Shopify Integration settings currently have a toggle setting "Allow DEAR to create Shopify products when DEAR product names are not unique" with an explanation that "When checked, DEAR will create a new Shopify product for every non-listed combination of Product Name + SKU which couldn't be found in Shopify"

For businesses who manage their product catalog in Dear, this setting need to be expanded to offer another option a third option to "Update SKUs in Shopify" so that we can edit a SKU in Dear and have it pushed through to Shopify. At the moment we have to either remove the product from Shopify and re-list it (which creates a new Shopify URL, damaging SEO in the process) or else edit in Dear and Shopify which allows for human error.

Please consider allowing Dear to update Shopify SKUs.

2 people like this idea
  •  Please, this is a critical part of the the Shopify integration. Dear needs to be able to update SKUs in Shopify for listed products.

  • Oh my 2 years and nothing has happened in this regard! Shopify Dear Integration is super primitive! Its a hassle, inconvenient and frustrating, We just signed up for dear and as soon as we find a good platform we will go for it!

  • Hi Guys, 

    Apologies for this not being replied all this time.

    However, updating SKUs from Shopify to Core will not be implemented due to the fact that Cin7 Core use the SKU to connect to products in other channels as well.

    If we allow for the SKU to be updated, this will create a huge mess for every other channel that is connected to the Core account.

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