
RRP to appear when entering invoices..

started a topic about 3 years ago

Is there a way to add a column into the entering of invoices?

We enter a invoice with the product code amount and cost comes up but i would like to see what the sell price is..

  • Hi Chris Frisby,

    This is something that is possible to achieve as I've done it for one of my clients using DEAR Systems. You would need to amend the Invoice in the "Document & e-Mail templates" section under the sales tab. You can show one of the price tiers on the Invoice such as the Retail Price or the RRP. As per the below example invoice which is issued from DEAR, the cost of this item is 10.00 but on the invoice a specific price tier is also showing as 25.00.


    The below is what the merged field in the docx file would look like.


    Contact DEAR support and advise them exactly where you want to have this extra field and they will guide you.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,

    Luke Bilocca

    Scope Solutions


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