
Pending Pick/Pack/Ship List

started a topic about 3 years ago


Theoretically speaking, If I could easily print the pending pick/pack/ship list from Sales>Fulfillment>Applying the relevant filters i.e. picking/packing/shipping>tick all>print combined pick/pack/ship list>it should print only the pending actions instead of forcing me to go to the "General" view and print the completed tasks as well along with the pending. 

I don't think this would require complex programming, the instructions are there; they just need to be on print for efficient fulfillment. 

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  • Yes we totally need a filter view which the Warehouse can use as their job list for 'Orders to Pick'.

    I'm suggesting the following criteria for the Filter, but this is based on our internal process whereby once a draft Pick is raised that is the trigger to hand over to warehouse for fulfillment.

    • SO is Authorised

    • Fulfilment started (i.e. Pick in Draft status)

    • Excludes SO’s which are partially fulfilled but don’t have any Picks in draft status (i.e backorders that cannot be fulfilled from available stock)

    • then sort by Required Date

    Below is a table which Dear Support sent me explaining each of the filter views.

  • Hello everyone!

    In the sales list screen, you could basically filter this in the fulfilment tab and print it accordingly.

  • Hi,

    Tried the above but I get this popup, which I described earlier on.


  • Hello!

    Yes, advanced sales have that limit due to their modular structure.

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