
Why is the Order Reference Field on a PO an additional attribute? This should be a standard field on the PO header

started a topic almost 4 years ago

Why is the Order Reference Field on a PO an additional attribute? This should be a standard field on the PO header

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  • Hi Felicity,

    Not sure what you mean. To clarify further I have attached a sample screenshot of the Purchase Order header that displays the Order number. For every order this number is a constant field that will be displayed and is not an additional attribute. Let me know if this is what you are referring to. 

  • No this is not what I'm referencing.. you're just talking about the PO #.. I'm talking about the Order Reference

    (34.9 KB)
  • Hi Felicity,

    The PO only has two reference numbers. The PO and the invoice number. The additional attributes that you have shown is a manually added one.

  • Can the "Order Reference" not be added as a standard field?

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