
Undo a invoice without undoing the whole Purchase/Sale task

started a topic almost 7 years ago

Is it possible to add a “undo” button on the tab “Invoice” and “Stock Receive”, like it on “Pick”, “Pack” and “Ship”(please find the picture below), to just simply undo a particular action rather than to undo the whole process including order and stock receive, so that it would not involve other users in this loop?


If not, when stocks are received in April and transactions are locked before May, it would be impossible for users to undo the invoice created in June and amend the mistakes on the invoice.

52 people like this idea
  • Hi Kara,

    There are User Permission settings you need to configure, in order to enable this feature. See screenshots attached. 

    Under the Sales and Purchase sections in the user permissions page, select the "edit authorized documents" checkboxes for each section, and once done, you will be able to edit certain areas of the invoice/ credit note areas after authorization. (without having to use the undo button). Once the changes you want are done, you can click on the save button to save the changes. 


    Dear Team

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  • HI Dear Team,

    Just got your email that this was implemented, but per this thread "Undo a invoice without undoing the whole Purchase/Sale task" has not been implemented as far as I can tell. 

    We would like to be able to add a discount at the invoice tab without having to undo the entire order back to quote or order, then go through each step (pick, pack, etc). We still have to do that. 

    Please explain. Thanks

    1 person likes this
  • Hi All,

    We are happy to announce that we have incorporated this feature in our latest release. Please find the release note for the latest features as follows:


    Dear Team

  • It would be good to be able change the Sale order date without undoing the whole order as well. Please add this feature in, as I know now you can change the date of the invoice without undoing the whole order. 

    Thank you.

  • Just a prompt to say OMG yes - please give us an update.  This is a huge issue now that we have moved to a 3PL model.  Our 3PL partner now gets confused with the picks when we have to modify the invoice for any reason - such as adjusting shipping or discount rate.  Please post a status update.

    2 people like this
  • Long over due and much needed. 

    Having to undo a sale all the way back to draft if you forgot to add a discount or change a price or swap a part number or add a service fee is ridiculous. If product stock is low and there is an order in the system for it, as soon as you undo, DEAR will allocate the product to the order and you can't easily get it back to re-invoice! So frustrating. 

    I see it's in the "in progress" phase. 

    Any update on this? Thanks

  • We would benefit massively from being able to undo the pick list only- also an option to keep the picked boards but allow batch/serial number changes to be made between the original pick list and final selected/packed.

  • This feature request has moved to “in progress“. Yay! It will be fantastic to have this feature. Please, if it all possible, do this for both Simple and Advanced sale and purchase.

    4 people like this
  • WE NEED THIS !!!!!!

  • Agreed.....

    There is a need to segregate the permission for users to be able to Undo the Authorization of a Sales Order and completely Undo'ing a Sales order.

    Undo'ing the authorization of a Sales Order will allow changes to the order - ie if a customer changes their mind after placing an order and then this should not be possible if the next stage is not undone first. ie once picking is authorized then not possible to undo the sales order unless picking is undone

    Undo'ing the full Sales order at header level after it has been picked,packed, shipped, invoiced and payment allocated to it, is risky as this could lead to stock discrepancies, payment discrepancy and invoice discrepancies


    2 people like this
  • I see that this is now Planned.  This is great news!  This is badly needed for us humans.

    3 people like this
  • +1 Need this!!  

    It is a huge waste of time and risky business to need to undo all the way to the start of a sale.  I imagine this being like the way you can undo Ship, Pack, Pick, except it would just be the Invoice tab.

    2 people like this
  • Agreed, this would be extremely beneficial

  • This is badly needed.  And is needed for both Purchases and Sales.  Here are additional reasons why:

    1. As soon as a purchased product arrives, it is checked into inventory and attributed to sales.  Undoing an invoice needs to be available to fix issues with an invoice (which can come up 30 days after inventory is received) without the need of unlocking inventory.  When one tries to undo an entire purchase, you have to first undo all the sales that the inventory has been attributed to.  Way counter productive.

    2. Simply changing a date, tax code or an account and saving, doesn't put that invoice in the buffer to sync to outside accounting apps (as well as other important things that authorizing does).  I has to be re-authorized and in order to do that, see point 1.

    7 people like this
  • Agree!!! 

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