
Automatically Email Customer Invoice

started a topic over 8 years ago

An email will automatically be sent to any customers that have the "included in emails" option with a PDF invoice attached, once the invoice is created.

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  • +1

    I am very familiar with the Notification Module. There a a few issues with auto-invoice sending:

    • The invoice .pdf is not attached to the email (which is required by most large distributor and retail clients)
      A link to download is included, but that is not sufficient
    • There is no easy way to audit the email sending from the Sales Order view.
    • A delay in sending would be helpful, since invoices are occasionally un-authorized and re-authorized to make edits

  • Phillip - I believe you can add a delay to sending the invoice after authorisation by using a Workflow.

    Another issue with the Notification Module is that your automated invoice email cannot be sent to multiple recipients. It only goes to the email address of the customer contact attached to the sale order. It does not go to any other contact that has 'include in emails' ticked, as this include in emails function is not used by automation module (notifications OR workflows) at all.

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