
Undo'ing of a Sales Order

started a topic over 5 years ago


There is a need to segregate the permission for users to be able to Undo the Authorization of a Sales Order and completely Undo'ing a Sales order.

Undo'ing the authorization of a Sales Order will allow changes to the order - ie if a customer changes their mind after placing an order and then this should not be possible if the next stage is not undone first. ie once picking is authorized then not possible to undo the sales order unless picking is undone

Undo'ing the full Sales order at header level after it has been picked,packed, shipped, invoiced and payment allocated to it, is risky as this could lead to stock discrepancies, payment discrepancy and invoice discrepancies


8 people like this idea
  • Hello, can you please explain how i can undo each stage in a sale individually? In my experience the UNDO function will return the order to a draft Quote status when undo is selected all the way up to Pack stage. The only stage where I can undo just one step is the Shipping stage

  • Hi everyone!

    I believe this has been sorted now since we allow to undo each stage in a sale accordingly.

  • Yes this is very time wasting and can lead to discrepancies.

  •  This would be so useful. The ability to only either allow undo or not is way too wide. I want to lock the ability to undo after an order is fulfilled.

  • Hi,

    I fully agree, let the undo button be at the point of the "Order" tab or even under the "Picking" Tab,

    When it is at the top it can possibly undo shipping, payment allocation, credit notes, which can cause discrepancies

    Take it off the top level in my view


    1 person likes this
  • Hi

    Could you please provide step by step workflow of how 'Undo the Authorization' option should work. Please keep in mind that authorized order allocates stock and stock becomes available when authorization undone hence picking is also undone to keep sales order and pick/invoice in sync.   

    Please advise


    DEAR Team

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