
To Date on the Stock Level Report

started a topic about 7 years ago


I use the stock level report to get a stock valuation and really need a 'TO' date option on there like in some of the other reports for historical data.

Please could you consider this in your next update?


11 people like this idea
  • I second the idea of having a closing stock report. It will help alot in the yearly financial reporting purpose.

  • I was thinking this would be useful also, however, I believe you can get effectively the same thing in the Inventory movement summary report by setting the From and To dates to the date you want to view.

    Still having it as an option in the Stock Level Report would be nice.

  • I too need to know my stock levels on a specific date. IE year end stock level so I can reconcile to my Balance Sheet. 

  • It does seem very odd that from a stock system there is not the availability to get a report off that shows the value of stock held at a point in time.  This would be a basic requirement to substantiate your month or year end stock value in your accounts?

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