
Zapier Integration

started a topic over 8 years ago

I hear you are planning an integration with Zapier (as detailed on a suggestion on DEAR's old support site).

Can you please confirm if this is indeed the case?

Also, can you please provide an approximate delivery date for this integration?


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  • Status changed to: Planned


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  • That's great news thank you.  Is there any visibility on likely timing please?  Thank you.  

  • In case you are asking me, I do not know.  I just noticed the status change.  I do not see Zapier listed on the Development Roadmap yet. Hopefully coming soon.

  • It was an open question to anyone including Dear!  Thank you.  

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  • Hi everyone!

    Meanwhile you can deploy this Zapier app for DEAR as a private app on your own for free:

    What I released publicly doesn't cover much of the DEAR Api, but enough to get started with some interesting flows:

    With it, you can

    - Get a list of the sales, get the last sale

    - Get resource templates

    - Search for a Sale

    - Generate a PDF given a template and a resource.

    Overall you can then do flows like this:

    When there is a new Sale on DEAR, write a message on Slack with the details of the sale, then send an email with the invoice for this sale as an attachment PDF.

    I can provide extra installation instructions if someone is interested.

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  • PS: If you don't want to upload it yourself to Zapier, you can use it with a public invite by clicking on this link:

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  • I see some people are already using it through my invite link. Feedback is welcome!

  • Let's add the action:  Add a Payment... 

    Here is a vision: Run a Payment on Stripe -> Lookup the Sale by SO # (Search already built in this Beta) -> Add the Payment to the Invoice. 

  • Cheers Mehdi! A great start

  • Hey Mehdi, How hard would it be to add quotes into your zapier? We'd love to be able to push these across to our CRM (Pipedrive) to more easily manage.

  • @David Roberts

    As long as the full beta version turns into the official release, you will be able to capture authorized quotes and push them over to your CRM. 

    We should see this released towards the end of the month. 

    I personally cannot wait until this is released as it will save my business a lot of time. 

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  • That'd be great Joshua, where did you get the update that this is likely towards the end of the month?

  • @Davis Roberts, you can find this information on the roadmap:

  • Hi everyone, I have been Beta testing a full version of the Zapier integration that is going to be released in the very near future. I am asking for everyone's help in expanding the integration

    Can anyone elaborate on how they would use the Zapier integration for real use cases in their businesses? I am looking for very specific examples like: If a Invoice is Authorized in DEAR, automatically email an invoice from Zero or Quickbooks or When a contact is added to my email address book, create a new customer in DEAR

    Any specific examples that you provide will help grow the app. Thanks in advance!

  • Cheers Joshua, 

    Very excited about this one!

    Some usage that appeals to us:

    • If a quote is authorised, create this as a deal in Pipedrive (could this deal then be updated to closed if quote converts to invoice?)
    • If an invoice is authorised, add this as a note in Pipedrive with order details
    • If a customer is added to DEAR, add this person as a contact in Mailchimp
    • If an invoice is authorised, create/update Mailchimp that this person has purchased and is now a customer (we currently have a disconnect between our shopify customers and dear directly entered customers which makes segmented mail campaigns to the full db hard)
    • Pass the DEAR "customer url" through to application of choice 
    • Pass the DEAR "invoice/quote/sales order url" through to application of choice
    • Pass authorized invoices through to google spreadsheet, google spreadsheet passes invoice total through to IFTTT, IFTTT triggers a light sequence Nanoleaf light panels. Small orders under $300 = Green, Medium orders up to $600 = Orange and orders over $600 create a fiery red eruption of colours. ;) - i have set this one  I already direct from Xero > Zapier but DEAR would be good too as it would work realtime on invoice approval rather than sync. Not overly productive but a bit of fun.  


    I'd love to hear how others are planning to utilize this service.

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